10 Things to Keep in Mind
If you are thinking about replacing your old fence with a new one, there are many things to consider before starting the process. A new fence will be an investment in both time and money, so it is important to make informed decisions when making this decision. Fence Installation will discuss 10 key points that you should keep in mind if you are considering replacement fencing for your property.
The first thing to consider is the purpose of your fence. What do you need it to do? Is it for privacy, security, or just keeping pets and children in the yard? Once you have determined its purpose, you can start thinking about what kind of fence will best suit your needs.
If you are looking for privacy, a solid fence may be the best option. If security is your main concern, you may want to consider a chain link or wrought iron fence. And if containment is your goal, a good choice would be a wooden picket fence.
The next thing to think about is your budget. How much money are you willing to spend on this project? Remember that there are many that will affect the total cost of a fence. The size of the fence, materials used, and labor costs can all affect your final price tag in a big way. Make sure you think about this carefully before moving forward with any plans for replacement fencing.
Your next step should be to determine when is the right time for you to install new fencing on your property? Is now the best time or do you need more information before making that decision? For example, if it’s wintertime where you live, there may not be opportunities to dig holes and set posts until spring rolls around again unless someone has access to special equipment like power augers (also known as post-hole drivers). You may want to consider waiting until warmer weather arrives so that installation will go smoothly without additional delays due to weather conditions.
The amount of sunlight your fence receives is another important factor that you should keep in mind when making this decision. If the new fencing will be installed where it will receive little or no direct sunlight, make sure that there are other plants nearby to provide shade and privacy throughout the day. The last thing you want is for anything living near your fence (such as trees) to die because they don’t get enough light! This can also affect any type of plantings along your property line if it’s a boundary location between two different people/properties with differing lighting situations on their own land.